Thursday, May 9, 2013

CLIF High Wugo 04-May-2013 Global Coastal Event

Published on May 4, 2013
Title: 04-May-2013 Clif High Wujo, Global Coastal Event, Remote Viewing Validation Study, Fear, Data Holes
Recording Date (start): 04-May-2013, 05:07 AM Pacific Coast of North America Daylight Savings Time
Release Date: 04-May-2013
Runtime: 01h 41m 53s (6113s)

Topics Discussed:
Global Coastal Event
Temporal Markers
Remote Viewing
Fear, Solar Plexus
Data Holes

Editor's Note: I've done no editing to this Wujo audio other than to adjust and balance the amplitude levels slightly. I did not edit out any of what might be considered the undesirable utterances and/or vocalizations such as the uhhhs, ummms, coughs or stutters. I will be publishing an edited version of this Wujo later today or tomorrow that will remove most of these undesirable and/or unneeded components. The goal of editing is to allow the audio to flow smoother and with greater ease of listening and understanding. The editing process removes very small audio segments that are almost always completely unnecessary to the understanding of the flow of information. However, in some cases the removal of these unnecessary audio segments may reduce or interrupt the flow of the emotional content where certain emotional conditions or expressions flow through the speech in an unconscious manner. Another benefit of audio editing is the reduction in runtime, usually about 20% in most cases where I would keep the breathing sounds but remove the undesirably utterances and vocalizations. Therefore, I would suggest that you listen to this unedited version first and then listen to the edited version next so you can get a feel for the effects, both good and bad, of my editing process. I personally prefer the edited version of the audio and I typically place an MP3 version of the YouTube video on my smart phone for casual listening at convenient times (call me stupid but I'll usually listen to these audios ten times and sometimes more before I feel that I've absorbed and comprehended Clif's dissertation sufficiently). If you would like to download and save just the MP3 audio portion of this YouTube video you can go to this really cool website where you enter the YouTube URL and click convert and you can then save just the MP3 audio to your computer desktop for transferring to your MP3 player or smart phone. The website to do this is:

Clif High has released his January, February and March, 2013, IDIRs for free distribution on his website, halfpasthuman(dot)com. Please check them out to confirm the accuracy of his predictions and subscribe to his April IDIRs at halfpasthuman(dot)com

March IDIRs:
Login: universe
Password: explorer

February IDIRs:
Login: dhama
Password: rejoices

January IDIRs
Login: GoodGuys
Password: ahimsa

Please give this video a thumbs-up, subscribe to my YouTube channel (ehyeshua), and visit Clif's website at

Value Received for Services Rendered: Clif High depends upon the donations and generosity of his listeners for his physical wherewithal and financial support. Should you derive benefit from Clif's work and research please consider visiting his website at and making a modest or robust donation if you feel so inclined. An absolutely fantastic way to help support Clif and give yourself an entertaining and edificationally fulfilling experience would be for you to subscribe to Clif High's Immediacy Data Intelligence Report (IDIR). Clif makes his weekly IDIRs available Thursday mornings usually before 9:00 AM Pacific Time. If you are a Clif High and WebBot junkie like me or should you be curious and willing to take a head first plunge deep into the asymmetric linguistic future you will definitely not be disappointed you ponied up the $40 per month fiat debt FR notes, or the equivalent of just $3 USD (with 90% discount) Bitcoin! So get your butt off the couch, get a completely death and debt PTB-free peer-to-peer Bitcoin account and begin exiting the debt and debt paradigm of the US Petro-Dollar. From these IDIRs I have personally experienced the excitement of observing dozens of Clif's immediacy data predictions come true, many in bizarre and mind-blowing ways. After you have given Clif your good wishes and financial (or Bitcoin) support please give this video a thumbs-up, leave your comments and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

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