Sunday, June 16, 2013

What I learned from the Car Accident Yesterday in Baja California Mexico

You know what, i just came to the conclusion that Jerami and I are just gonna have to get ourselves a dune buggy leave the kids with grandma and go crazy out in the baja in protected gear and roll around like mad lol maybe thats what we need. ha ha ha. I had a crazy dream last night that Lionel luther from superman got life coached by Jack Canfield to STOP VACCILATING with making decisions in your life as the more you resist especially during this time when things are catupulted by 100 times due to the major shifts of the energies, just make a decision and do it. Be in the present moment and while making a decision be in the present. Don't be in the future or in the past. When we were on our way to San Felipe a couple days before J and I had some argument about about where we would be in a year from now, not knowing what to do. Talking about possible wars going on in the usa, Fema camps, Fear based stuff. All we talked about was worrying for the future. So we thought lets just go to San Felipe and enjoy our time. We also talked about possibly splitting up and going our separate ways where i go back to cancun etc. We brought all that negative energy with us which i believe effected the accident. Yes we were on our way to San Felipe and were excited, but our minds were also somewhere else. I thought it was so funny with that Dream when Jack Canfield told Lionel, I don't want to hear you say I will try to do this, or i don't know if i should do this because I am afraid etc! Jack jumped on him and said, "you don't say that, you say IM DOING IT! Thats it! No questions asked. When you want to make a decision in life, just Do it and quit finding excuses not to do it. You are a spark of God and from with that energy make a decision and execute! Thats all there is to it. And watch what happens. Its having the confidence in ourselves in making decisions in life. Make sure you are not somewhere else in the mind while executing. It can end up in a mess. 

Right now we are super soar just Jerami and I, the kids are perfectly fine, running around like nothing happened to them. Their thoughts were in the present moment. Hunty told us, that the accident was so fun as he got to fly hanging from the seatbelt and thought it was the coolest thing. So I decided hmmmm... We are living in the Baja where it is Dune Buggy Capital, maybe we just get ourselves a Dune buggy with protected gear on, and go have fun in the Desert. It has a roll on cage incase the bug decides to flip lol Well all i can say was the smartest thing we ever did was wear our seat belts because if we didnt we wouldn't be here to talk about it. What happened does not mean we now have to be afraid of life. If anything it taught us to be in the Present moment always and stop thinking of what could be in the future. The present moment is the only time we have as the past or future does not exist. 

As for the puppy, the police are taking our car to a junk yard or some special place for totalled vehicles. We may beable to save it. And they are going to try to find the dog for us as well and give us a call and let us know. 

Today we are going to watch the new SUPERMAN and get our minds off of this. 

Please be careful out there and make sure you fasten your seatbelts no matter what journey you decide to take in life but be confident in executing decisions from the present moment. 
